
Saturday, May 28, 2022

Bucha Guman Tong 9 Goht Pim Kaang (Roon Raek-Praai Gop Sap) Luang Phor Goi/古曼童九瓮-供奉中型金身(第一期) 龍婆盖 (RENTED / 已被恭请)

Temple/寺庙: Wat Khao Din Dtai/瓦考丁泰寺, Province/府: Buriram/武里南府, Buddhist Year/佛历: 2552, Monk/师傅: Luang Phor Goi/龍婆盖, Material/材质: Nur Pong Praai, Din 7 Bpaat Cha(7 cemeteries soils), Tao gradook(Ashes), Coffin nails, etc./派古曼的粉料, 七墳土, 骨灰, 石棺钉等等, Remark/备注: At the bottom got inserted powder, takrud, guman tong & punched with code/底部有植入圣粉, 符管, 小的古曼童和打上代印, Dimension/尺寸: 1.1/2" x 2.1/2".

*Katha (Spell/咒语)*

Namo Tasa... x 3 times/南莫 塔萨... 三次 

gu maa roh ma ma, ay hi, jit dtang, bpi yang, ma ma (7 times)/古嘛罗, 嘛嘛, A 嘻, 吉唐, P 杨, 嘛嘛 (七次)

Then pray and tell guman tong that she wants to help with anything. Use red water(Fanta or F&N) · pay homage · light 3 incense sticks to pay homage to the child. Offer candies and play with the child often and wishes will quickly come through/然后祈祷并告诉古曼童她想帮助什么。用红水(芬达或F&N)祭奠,点燃3支香来祭奠孩子。供糖果并经常和孩子一起玩,愿望会很快实现。


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