
Friday, July 28, 2023

Phra Bucha 5" Somdej Putta-Jaan Toh (Prom Rang-See) Roon Anuson 122 Bpee/帕崇迪阿赞多供奉型5寸金身(122年紀念版)

Temple/寺庙: Wat Rakang Kosittaraam/瓦拉康-古鐘寺, Province/府: Bangkok/曼谷, Buddhist Year/佛历: 2537, Monk/师傅: Great ceremony(Maha Putta-Pisek) at Rakhang Kositaram Temple on June 22, 1994 by inviting 108 monks from all over the country together with the Abbot of Rakang Temple/在瓦拉康寺举行盛大的開光加持法会仪式於1994年6月22日,邀请了来自全国各地的一百零八名僧人以及瓦拉康寺的住持, Material/材质: Nur loha rom dam (Mixed aloy fumigated in black) got punched code & serial number/混合铜熏黑有打代印和号码, Dimension/尺寸: Width/宽度 - 5,1/2" x Depth/深: 5" x Height/高度 - 9". (07/66-PCSS)

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