
Monday, August 14, 2023

Roop Lor Jao Mae Guan Im - Luang Phu Dtoh/觀音菩薩(倒模)小立尊-龍普多 - RENTED / 已被恭请

Temple/寺庙: Wat Prado Chimplee/瓦 巴卢清比寺, Province/府: Bangkok/曼谷, Buddhist Year/佛历: 2517, Monk/师傅: Luang Phu Dtoh/龍普多, Material/材质: Nur nawa-loha plated gold and got punched code on the back of the ankle/九宝铜镀金並在腳踝後面打了孔代印, Remark/备注: This model was made 500 pcs only/此模型只制作了五百尊而以, Dimension/尺寸: 1.1 cm X 3.8 cm.

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