
Sunday, September 17, 2023

Phra Kleep Bua Kru-Phra Borommathat Chaiya/帕蓮花古佛(帕博羅瑪塔柴亞) RENTED / 已被恭请

Temple/寺庙: Wat Phra Thaat Chaiya/瓦普拉博羅馬泰猜亞寺, Province/府: Surat Thani/素叻他尼府, Buddhist Year/佛历: 2400+/-, Materials//材质: Nur Pong Waan (Holy powder & herb)圣粉与药草混合, Remark/備註: Phra Kleep Bua, Wat Phra That Chaiya Surat Thani Province It is a Buddha image that was built by ancient monks. It is estimated that it is hundreds of years old. Found placed in the temple area beside the relics.

The Buddha has Bodhi leaves or lotus petals. Phra Pang Maravichai statue Sitting on a five-petal lotus Spread out the rays of light around the body. It's a local art. Most are found as white meat. There are also those that are lacquered.

The amulet is made from powder mixed with herbs and is quite crumbly. In the flesh, you can see the substances are full of pollen and medicine herbs.

帕蓮花古佛(帕博羅瑪塔柴亞)素叻他尼府 這是古代僧人所造的佛像。估計已有數百年曆史了。發現於寺廟區域的文物旁邊。

佛有菩提葉或蓮瓣。帕庞马拉维猜雕像 坐於五瓣蓮花上 光芒在身體周圍擴散開來。這是當地的藝術。大多數都是白肉。也有塗漆的。

該護身符是由圣粉與草藥混合而成,非常易碎。在粉肉中,可以看到充滿花粉和藥材的物質, Dimension/尺寸: 3.0cm x 3.8cm. (09/66-OSSS)


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